October 2, 2021 | Category: Home Workouts
Workout #6
Gob Squats with Tempo (5-3-0) 5 seconds down, 3 seconds hold and come up as quickly as weight will allow.
X 4 sets
Pushups with Tempo (5-3-0) X 4 sets
RDL with Tempo (5-3-0) 5 sec down, 3 sec hold at bottom, then come up. This can be very stressful so pick the appropriate weight. X 4 sets
DB Press with Temp (5-3-0) this one is in reverse, go up, 5 sec down, 3 sec hold at forehead come down repeat X 4 sets
Bench Row Come up and slowly go down X 4 sets
Weight will be lighter on all of these because the tempos are much harder. This is quite useful when you don’t have enough weight and your weights at home are too light
Tabata abs :20 work/:10 rest X 8
V-ups or alternating V-ups