Strength Sept 27th


Squat and Bench Press

8 at RPE-8, then break up 24 reps over 3-5 sets

Accessory Work:

part 1: 3 rounds

2 Sleds

15 Swings

5 Box Jumps

Part 2: 3 rounds

5 Renegade Rows

10-15 Push Press

Arms: 3 Rounds

10-15 Curls

10-15 Tricep Ext

10-15 Lateral Raises

ABS: 3 rounds

20 Wipers

20 weighted situps

20 Russ Twists


:20 Squats

:10 Hold

3 Rounds

(If you were able to accomplish 6 rounds last week, then attempt a little more weight or add weight)

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