December 19, 2021 | Category: December 2021, Strength
Deadlift and Press
5 at RPE-8, then break up 15.
Accessory Work
Part 1: 5 rounds
- 5 Pullups
- 10 Renegade Rows
(This is quite hard! Use assistance for for pull-ups if needed. Use your knees for pushups in renegade rows if needed or just stop the reps once quality diminishes. Most people rested 2-3 min between sets)
Part 2: 5 Rounds
1:00 Weighted Step ups
1:00 Rest
Small Stuff: 3 rounds
- Copenhagens
- 10-15 curls
- Glute Bridge each side
- 10-15 Tricep Ext
- Back Extensions
- 10-15 Lateral Raises
- Calf Raises
- Reverse Nordics
- Reverse Hypers
- Banded Hip Flexor March
Team ABS: New format
10 Min EMOM (every minute on the minute, if you finish reps early that is rest. If you don’t finish then move on at the top of the minute). This is designed to go slow. Don’t hurry. Slow and controlled movements
- 20 Weighted Situps
- 40 Mountain Climbers
- 20 Heel Raise
- 40 Bike Crunch
- 1:00 Plank
2 rounds