October 2, 2021 | Category: Home Workouts
Home Workout #3
15 min Circuit
- 10 Gob Squats
- 10 weighted Step ups (ES)
- 10 DB Floor Press (ES)
- 10 Pushups
- 10 BentOver ROW
- 10 Bench Row (ES)
Effort should be close to RPE-8. If you don’t have the correct weight do as many reps with the weight you have and go to an RPE-8, that means you could do 2 more reps.
15 min Circuit
- 10-15 Swings or RDL’s
- 10 Single Leg Deadlifts (5 ES)
- 10 Seated DB Press
- 10 Lateral Raises
- 10 Reverse Flys
Same effort and approach as above