Home Workout #3

Home Workout #3

15 min Circuit

  1. 10 Gob Squats
  2. 10 weighted Step ups (ES)
  3. 10 DB Floor Press (ES)
  4. 10 Pushups
  5. 10 BentOver ROW
  6. 10 Bench Row (ES)

Effort should be close to RPE-8. If you don’t have the correct weight do as many reps with the weight you have and go to an RPE-8, that means you could do 2 more reps.

15 min Circuit

  1. 10-15 Swings or RDL’s
  2. 10 Single Leg Deadlifts (5 ES)
  3. 10 Seated DB Press
  4. 10 Lateral Raises
  5. 10 Reverse Flys

Same effort and approach as above

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