

“You don’t have to agree with everything I think. I don’t even agree with everything I think.” – Adam Grant

You can always do something. There is no perfect program. We try to create intelligent programming, but in reality any movement is better than none. Laura and I were headed back from Denver and we knew that if we didn’t do something the day would get away from us. We stopped off in Evergreen grabbed our running shoes and went for a run. We were tired, we fully expected to hike instead of run, and then we surprised ourselves. Even when you feel terrible still move. You just need to scale the effort and listen to your body.

Here’s what we did:

1:00 easy run/1:00 walk X 6

1:00 fast run/1:00 walk-hike X 6

Run 20 min back to the car at a faster pace cause we started to feel much better.

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