5.4 Strength


Deadlift and Press

8 at RPE-8, then take 5% off and complete 2 more sets of 8 reps

12 min EMOM

Min 1- 5 Pullups

Min 2- 10 Bench Row Each side to RPE-8

continue until you have reached 12 min


10 Bulgarian Split Squats each side into 10 Single Leg Deadlifts to RPE-8 X 3 Rounds


Special Sauce: 3 rounds to RPE-9

  1. 10-15 Curls
  2. Copenhagens
  3. 10-15 Tricep Extensions
  4. Monster Walks
  5. 10-15 Lateral Raises
  6. Glute Bridge

Team ABS: As many rounds until you are toast

:20 Work/:10 Rest X ?

Alternate through these movements: MT Climbers, Flutter Kicks, and Bike Crunch

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