April 17, 2022 | Category: April 2022, GET THE GOAT
After a big challenge or an event like the Cycle Effect Fundraiser I try to do something a little more laid back…I did not say easy! I just try to create a workout that is motivating and allows people to go at their own pace. This is a variation of a Hyrox workout. There are a few gym members that might be competing at a Hyrox competition. Most of our people are not gym people and their testing ground for fitness is outside, but every once and a while it’s fun to test yourself in a different setting. In reality, we love anything that is motivating, gets you moving and challenges you to be better. If that’s a Spartan race…great. If that’s a marathon…great. If that’s the Grand Traverse…great. Sometimes it is helpful to test yourself, have something to keep you accountable, and events can help create that!
50 Min Max rounds (there were a couple people that were moving really fast and almost completed 2 rounds. You can easily sub any exercise if you don’t have something available.)
- 400 meter run
- 1000 meter ski
- 400 meter run
- 50 meter sled push or 100 step ups
- 400 meter Run
- 1000 meter ROW
- 400 Meter Run
- 20 Burpee Pullups or 40 burpees (if you cannot do pull-ups)
- 400 meter Run
- 200 meter Farmer Carry with 35-70# KB’s in each hand
- 400 Meter Run
- 50 Wall Balls with 12-20# Wall Balls (sub Thrusters if needed)