April 17, 2022 | Category: April 2022, Strength
Deadlift and Press
5 at RPE-8, then break up 20 more reps. Try to be thoughtful about your stress. If you got the 5 at RPE- 8 effort correct, then try not to return back to that type of effort.
Accessory Work
12 min EMOM
Min 1- 2 sleds or 20 weighted step ups
Min 2- 250 meter Bike
(minute 1 complete 2 sleds. This should take you :30 or so. Then at the top of the next minute complete 250 meters on the bike or find a hard effort for :30. You will do 6 rounds of this totaling 12 minutes)
ARMS and stuff: 3 rounds
- 10-15 Curls
- Copenhagens to RPE-9
- 10-15 Tricep Extensions
- Glute Bridge
- 10-15 Lateral Raises
- Monster Walks
Team Abs: 4 Rounds
- MT Climbers
- Plank
- Bike Crunch
- Situps