October 28, 2021 | Category: October 2021, Strength
Barbell or Dumbbell Split Squats
8 @ RPE-8 each side, then break up 16 more reps each side
2-Count Pause Bench Press (pause at the bottom of bench for 2 sec.)
6 @ RPE-8, then break up 12 more reps
6 @ RPE-8, then break up 24 more reps
Accessory Work:
Part 1:
10 Single Leg Deadlifts with Kickstand 5 Each side into 10-15 Sinlge Leg Glute Bridge each side X 3 sets
Part 2: 3 Rounds
10 RDL’s
10 Bent Rows
10 Rev. Flys
10 Press
10-15 Curls
10-15 Tricep Ext
10-15 Lateral Raises
10 Wheels
20 Weighted Situps
20 Russ Twists
Team LEGS: 8 Rounds
:20 Jumping Lunges
:10 Rest
After how sore everyone was last week, I considered getting rid of the jumping lunges or reducing the sets. Instead, I decided to forgo adding more reps into the split Squats this week. I wanted to give it one more week and see if everyone would continue to be sore. The body is incredibly adaptable and most people experienced minimal soreness, especially compared to last week.