3.3 Home Workout

Home Workout

20 min EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute. Start each exercise at the top of each minute, once complete rest until next minute and start the next one.)

  1. 10/14 Cal Row or 45 second fast run
  2. 10 Gob Squat
  3. 10 Pushups
  4. 10 Step Ups
  5. 10 Plank Row


Part 2: 4 rounds

1:00 Wallsit

1:00 Plank

Small stuff: 3 rounds

  1. Copenhagens
  2. Glute Bridge
  3. Supermans
  4. Monster Walks

ABS: 5 rounds

:30 Side crunch

:30 Side Crunch

:30 Mt Climbers

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