April 3, 2022 | Category: April 2022, Home Workouts
Home Workout
Part 1: 5 rounds
2:00 Row (or run)
2:00 KB Complex (this should not be fast. Nice and controlled. Find a pace that you can complete 5-8 KB Complex in 2 min. Start with the kettlebell in between feet. Walk your hands out, pushup, walk back, clean the kettlebell then squat into a overhead press)
Part 2: 3 Rounds
1:00 Row or run
1:00 Mt Climbers
Part 3: 3 rounds
:30 Row or run sprint
:30 Burpees
ABS: 3 rounds
20 KB Side Chop right
20 KB Side Chop left
20 Russian Twists