3.11 Get The GOAT

Get The GOAT

Teams of 3-4 or Solo Version below

Teams of 3 is quite challenging, but if you have a strong crew then give it a whirl!

Max Calories in 45 Min

Min 0-15 Ski

Min 15-30 Bike

Min 30-45 Row

Every 3 min one teammate must stop and do all of these:

5 KB Complex (with kettlebell between your feet, walk your hands out, pushup, walk back, clean the KB, full squat, to press overhead)

4 Plate Pushes or 1:00 heavy resistance bike sprint or 20 Heavy step ups

10 Burpee Box Jumps or Burpee Pullups for a real challenge

Yes, all of those will take longer than 3:00, so that means a team of 3 could get left with one person working on the machine by themselves and 2 people are working on the exercises. This is a tough one to pace. You can never get in a rythym.

SOLO Version

45 Min Max rounds

20 Cal Ski

5 KB Complex

20 Cal Bike

4 Plate Pushes or any variation listed above

20 Cal Row

10 Burpee Box Jumps

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