2.9 Strength

Strength- Supersets

Part 1: 3 Rounds

8 Deadlifts at RPE-8 into 8 Pushups to RPE-8

Part 2: 3 Rounds

8 Press at RPE-8 into 8 Bench Row each side to RPE-8

Accessory Work:

15 Min AMRAP

2 Sleds

5 Pullups

10 Gob Squats

10 Pushups

Rowing Technique:

1:00 at 28 Strokes per min

1:00 at 24 Strokes per min

1:00 at 20 Strokes per min

2 rounds (try to work on power at the catch and slow return with hands leading back first, but when starting to pull back in catch drive with legs)

Small stuff: 3 rounds to RPE-8

  1. Copenhagens
  2. Back Extensions
  3. Reverse Nordics
  4. Calf Raises
  5. Banded Hip Flexor March

Team ABS: 3 Rounds– :30 each

  1. Situps
  2. V-ups
  3. Flutter Kicks
  4. Plank
  5. Plank Jacks
  6. Mt Climbers

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