2.2 Strength


Deadlift and Press

3 at RPE-8, then -8% off for 5 more sets of 3 reps

Accessory Work

Part 1: 15 Min AMRAP

2 Sleds or :30 heavy resistance bike sprint

5 Pullups

10 Goblet Squats

10 Pushups

(Pick a weight that makes you uncomfortable. AMRAPs with movements that have a low risk of injury like sleds, gob squats or bodyweight movements are perfect for pushing hard.)

Part 2: Small Stuff (3 rounds all to RPE-9)

  1. Copenhagens
  2. Back Extensions
  3. Calf Raises
  4. Banded Hip Flexor March
  5. Reverse Nordics

Team ABS: 3 rounds

1:00 Each

  1. Weighted Situps or situps
  2. Mt Climbers
  3. :30 Side Crunch or Side march each side


“If you aren’t enjoying the process, you will never be satisfied with the finished product” – JMS

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