December 12, 2021 | Category: December 2021, Home Workouts
Home Workout
20 Min EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute)
- 10 Gob Squats
- 10 Dumbbell Floor Press
- 10 Split Squats
- 10 Bent Row
- 1:00 Plank
(If you finish the exercise before the minute is complete you rest, except on the plank. You plank the full minute.)
12 minute EMOM
- 10 Glute Bridge each side
- 10 Inverted Rows or chest 2 bar or 10 Plank row
- 1:00 Bear Crawl
10 Min EMOM
- 30 Mountain Climbers
- 20 Situps
- 20 Heel Raise
- 20 V-ups
- 30 Russian Twists
EMOM workouts can be really effective if you choose the right weight and move quickly. It forces you to rest in the remainder time and you try to move a little faster so you can get some rest. If you move too slow you won’t get rest.