4.29 Get The GOAT

Get The GOAT Partners (solo version below)

Part 1: 15 min Max Calorie Ski

Teammates will try to get as many calories in 15 min on ski erg but there are two twists…they must also complete 60 Thrusters in the 15 min period. Even bigger twist…every 3 min both must stop but one must complete 30 Weighted step ups. Keep this going every 3 min until 15 min.

Men’s weight- 25-30#’s

Women’s weight–15-20#’s

USE the same Weight for step ups and Thrusters

Part 2: 15 Min Max Calorie Bike Erg

Teammates must complete 60 Weighted Burpees and still stop every 3 min to complete 30 weighted step ups.

Part 3: 15 Min Max Calorie Row

Same format, but this will be 60 Burpee Box Jumps and both will stop every 3 minutes and one complete 30 weighted step ups

SOLO Version:

Part 1: Max rounds in 15 min

20 Cal ski

10 Thrusters

(stop every 3 minutes and complete 30 step ups, no weight)

Part 2: Max Rounds in 15 min

20 Cal Bike

10 Weighted Burpees

(stop every 3 minutes and complete 30 step ups, no weight)

Part 3: Max Rounds in 15 minutes

20 Cal row

10 Burpee Box Jumps

(stop every 30 minutes and complete 30 step ups, no weight)

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